Technical analysis trading is when investors attempt to predict future price trends by relying on historic data. They use statistics that reflect investor behavior such as prices, volume, open interest, moving averages and other trading variables to make investment decisions. These data are plotted onto charts. This sort of investing is not suitable for beginning […]
February 2010
Click here if you are looking for a Canadian review of TurboTax (formerly Quicktax). This is a review of the popular tax preparation software TurboTax which is made by Intuit.� There are a lot of different packages for this software – Free, Deluxe, Premier, Home & Business, Business.� As well, some of those packages comes […]
Tax season is in full swing and as people begin to prepare their taxes some will receive a large tax refund, others will break just about even and still others will be left with a tax bill. Most experts would agree that it is best to break even. If you received a large refund or […]
Preparing your taxes on your own has never been easier. Tax filers have options today that were unavailable just a few short years ago. If you are in a position where do-it-yourself tax preparation is realistic then your first choice will be whether or not you will use tax preparation software such as TurboTax, H&R […]
This guest post is from PT of PT Money: Real Personal Finance for a Life Without Limits! Check out PT’s latest series of interviews about making extra money online using freelance writing, an online store, and more. PT is a pretty interesting guy with a blog that you should subscribe to.� He also has a […]